I am Ine De Witte, a 27 year old creative person who lives in Hamme. You can definitely describe me as a leading kind of person and a planner. I like to have everything in order. My passion lies in graphic design, my personal interest in cooking, travelling and interior design.
As a graphic designer I have a lot of creative skills of course. I have a good knowledge of Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator. My basic knowledge of html and css allows me to build a basic website.
I have studied Graphical and Digital media (Crossmedia design) at Artevelde in Ghent. I graduated in june 2015. I did an internship for eight weeks at Starss, a full service communication agency in Temse. My first job was at a printing office, where I worked for 2 years. From february 2018 until the end of that year, I worked at a publicity agency in Ghent. Nowadays I work at Superkraft, also a publicity agency in Ghent.